4 Tips for Making Quality Basketball Recruiting Content

4 Tips for Making Quality Basketball Recruiting Content

Are you a student-athlete aspiring to play basketball at the collegiate level? If so, you’ve probably already started working on your portfolio of highlights, training videos, and other recruiting content. And while there is a lot that goes into a successful recruitment process, having high-quality content you can share with scouts and coaches can be a great way to start generating interest.

Al johnson Sports Management helps student-athletes achieve their college basketball recruiting goals. Keep reading to learn four tips for making quality basketball recruiting content and contact us today to book a consultation!

College recruit taking a shot

In Basketball Recruiting Content, Quality is King

No matter which platform you are building your portfolio of highlight reels and recruitment content on, always focus on creating high-quality content. If you want your basketball recruitment videos and images to stand out from the crowd, a few perfectly executed and professionally edited videos will get you a lot further than flooding your portfolio with low-quality content.

College recruit jumping to dunk the basketball

Focus On Improving Your Game

Believe it or not, the best basketball coaches aren’t just looking for the most talented players to join their programs. They want to speak with players who recognize the challenge of playing at the collegiate level and who are doing everything in their power to prepare themselves for it. Your recruitment portfolio should have as many or more videos of your training as it does of you making those game-breaking plays.

College basketball recruit under pressure from defender

Keep Music In The Background

It’s true, the right song can add some extra punch to a highlight video. That being said, you aren’t making videos for you and your friends to enjoy — you are making videos to capture the attention of collegiate basketball coaches. If you want to use music in your videos, avoid any songs with offensive lyrics that could send the wrong message. As a matter of fact, stick to acapella beats and let your play do the talking.

College basketball recruit under pressure from defender

Stay Humble

Let’s make this very clear — the last thing a college basketball coach is looking for is a player with a raging ego that will disrupt the locker room. If you have any videos or other media in your portfolio where you come off as arrogant, self-obsessed, or belligerently cocky, remove them. A perceived bad attitude can overshadow even the most impressive highlights.

Contact Al Johsnon Sports Management for basketball recruiting assistance, marketing, and stellar student-athlete representation!

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